Halal Bihalal with Hijabers Community

9:51 AM

Tika - Me - Dhiah

Kak Riri Rizni - Kak Restu Anggraini - Tika - Me - Dhiah - Kak Adritia

Kak Riri Rizni - Kak Restu Anggraini - Tika - Me - Dhiah - Kak Adritia

Duo MC --- Teh Ghaida Tsurayya & Kak Ina Rovi

Vice Presidents of Hijabers Community --- Kak Ria Miranda & Kak Adritia

Ustadzah Opy

Teh Ghaida Tsurayya

Kak Ina Rovi was singing

Fateema Voice (Kak Ina Rovi - Kak Nenk Zee - Kak Reihanna) *without Kak Nia Paramita*
give performance by their beautiful voices

Games "Yel-Yel"

with my game's team "Team Kece"

Games "Mix & Match"

Door Prize Winners --- they got Hijabers Community's book

acoustic performance from Kak Jenahara Nasution & her brother

Best Dress Winners

Kak Puput Utami & Me

Kak Adritia - Me - Kak Fatimah Rommy

Me & Kak Fitri Aulia

Me & Kak Lulu El Hasbu

Me & Kak Tantri Havid
*I'm wearing dress by her label anyway*

Me & Teh Ghaida Tsurayya

Alhamdulillah, last Sunday I joined Halal Bihalal with Hijabers Community.
It's my second time to join Hijabers Community's events.

So happy & excited to meet Hijabers Community's committee, and also meet so many new friends there.
Always love to have new friends and silaturahim with them :)

Wish I can join another Hijabers Community's events when I have holidays! *remember that my holidays are almost over~*


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  1. mba saya tary dari mahasiswi UIN Bandung tingkat akhir,.. mba pernah bca buku OPTIMIZE YOUR HIJAB STYLE karya Mba Ina Rovi??? jika pernah bolehkah mba membantu saya untuk menjadi respondent dalam mengisi angket tentang makna istilah2 fashion ??

  2. mba saya tary dari mahasiswi UIN Bandung tingkat akhir,.. mba pernah bca buku OPTIMIZE YOUR HIJAB STYLE karya Mba Ina Rovi??? jika pernah bolehkah mba membantu saya untuk menjadi respondent dalam mengisi angket tentang makna istilah2 fashion ??
