Life Update: Undergraduate Thesis is Done!

9:46 PM

Alhamdulillahirabbil 'alamin, praise to Allah..
Finally my friends and I have completed our thesis at the end of our studies.
Very happy and gratefull, because finally we did it! :")

Thanks to Allah, to my parents and my brother, my family, my thesis group (Rima and Bimo), and of course to board of examiners of our thesis (dr. Detty, dr. Shinta, Dr. Budi) who always guiding us and so kind with us.. May Allah bless you all..

Bimo, Rima, and I before the thesis exam

after the exam and Alhamdulillah all of us get great grades!

with dr. Shinta, dr. Detty, and Dr. Budi (the board of examiners)

thank you so much for your guidance and give the best grades for me :")

happy faces after the exam! :D

finally, I did it! thank you Allah..
thank you friends.. :)

But that doesn't mean that this is over..
Next week I will have a practice exam that determines me to continue my medical school became a co-assistant.

So, bismillah.. Insya Allah I'll through it well too..

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  1. hai mba indah
    salam kenal ya..
    :) saya tau dr #indonesianhijabblogger, alhamdulillah sama2 dikurasi.
    aku follow blognya, mampir2 ya ke blog aku..

    nice to meet you

  2. Congrats my sholehah sister :) Finally your thesis done :* :* *lemparbuketbunga*
